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La Iniciativa Global United Natives (GUN)


Encabezado por la Mancomunidad de Secamtektek de América del Norte (TheCost), el Global  La iniciativa United Natives (GUN) es reunir a las comunidades tribales indígenas como una fuerza unida y unificada, para que estén libres del gobierno organizado.  folletos y como resultado, disfrutar de una vida de paz y armonía.

El problema que enfrentan las tribus nativas hoy en día es que los gobiernos organizados e ilegales se niegan a validar, reconocer, respaldar, respetar y reconocer los derechos de los Pueblos Tribales Indígenas.
soberanía inalienable de facto.


La misión de Global United Natives es ayudar a las comunidades tribales indígenas, para que ya no dependan de las dádivas del gobierno organizado, y que deseen adquirir y desarrollar la autosuficiencia, la autodependencia,
autogobierno y autodeterminación a través de modelos económicos y políticos organizados como los diseñados colectivamente por la Iniciativa GUN y TheCOST.
  Todo lo cual podría ser individualizado por cada Nación Tribal.


Provisión Global United Natives:

  1. los fondos y la financiación estarán disponibles mediante instrumentos financieros, renta acumulada de tierras tribales y comisiones sobre los ingresos generados por las empresas que operan en esas tierras, compensación por robos pasados, daños y agravios resultantes de sentencias judiciales; y, cuando se acuerde mutuamente, los activos en tierra de las comunidades indígenas como activo base en una plataforma de negociación financiera internacional;

  2. establecimiento de la Embajada GUN en Macao con el apoyo de la PROC;

  3. afianzar los Tribunales de Equidad de los Pueblos Indígenas para desafiar al gobierno organizado, la fuerza policial y el sistema judicial;

  4. capacitación y despliegue de al menos 150 000 miembros del personal de mantenimiento de la paz para consultar y cooperar con los líderes tribales y los ancianos para proteger y salvaguardar a las comunidades indígenas según lo requiera el derecho internacional público;

  5. construir casas, hospitales, escuelas, bancos y otra infraestructura de las comunidades indígenas de acuerdo con las necesidades individuales de las comunidades tribales.

  6. no se suscribirán arreglos contractuales que puedan causar daño a las comunidades o individuos indígenas.


Advertencia : cuidado con las noticias falsas, las distracciones y la propaganda que divide a las comunidades indígenas.

Nuestras tradiciones, costumbres y costumbres (CULTURA) no son para regateo, trueque o venta.

Desorganizados y desunidos seguimos cayendo y fallando; Unidos y unificados sobrevivimos y conquistamos.


Su admisión es crucial y vital para unir a nuestras comunidades indígenas necesarias para desafiar a los gobiernos organizados e ilegales.

Por favor  contáctenos para sumarse a esta iniciativa.

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Indigenous Communities, no longer dependent on organized government handouts, must get prepared to acquire and develop self-reliance, self-dependence, self-government and self-determination through organized economic and political models as designed by the G.U.N. Initiative & Manifesto.

Everyone encouraged to contribute his/her intangible assets by helping, brainstorming, and developing working solutions and lasting remedies.
Email us your thoughts as a habitual practice



  1. Financing being arranged using Indigenous Communities’ native land titles and subterranean precious minerals as a base asset in international financial and banking initiatives;

  2. Promoting Carpeaurum as de facto legal tender under applicable de jure laws and regulations;

  3. Forging strategic alliances with other stakeholders with similar visions and missions;

  4. Establishing G.U.N. embassies in various continents;

  5. Entrenching Indigenous Peoples’ Courts of Equity to challenge de jure governments’ police power;

  6. Training and deployment of at least 150,000 Peacekeepers to protect and safeguard Indigenous Communities under private and public international law;

  7. Constructing Indigenous Communities’ houses, hospitals, schools, banks, and other infrastructure;

  8. Emphasizing knowledge of socioeconomic and geopolitical issues;

  9. Developing a working knowledge of law, justice and jurisprudence;

To be conscious of and be concerned about fake news, distractions and propaganda that is dividing global Indigenous Communities. Our traditions, customs and mores (CULTURE) is not for bargain, barter or sale. United and unified we survive and conquer; disorganized and disunited we continue to fail and fall.


Please contact the Leaders & Elders of TheCost, Carranya, Kabi, Papua Libertatum Veritas Ziklag and the Ancient Kingdoms of South Africa who have joined G.U.N.. Your admission is crucial and vital in uniting our Indigenous Communities necessary to enforce de facto initiatives.


Indigenous Communities, no longer dependent on organized government handouts, must get prepared to acquire and develop self-reliance, self-dependence, self-government and self-determination through organized economic and political models as designed by the G.U.N. Initiative & Manifesto.

Everyone encouraged to contribute his/her intangible assets by helping, brainstorming, and developing working solutions and lasting remedies.
Email us your thoughts as a habitual practice



  1. Financing being arranged using Indigenous Communities’ native land titles and subterranean precious minerals as a base asset in international financial and banking initiatives;

  2. Promoting Carpeaurum as de facto legal tender under applicable de jure laws and regulations;

  3. Forging strategic alliances with other stakeholders with similar visions and missions;

  4. Establishing G.U.N. embassies in various continents;

  5. Entrenching Indigenous Peoples’ Courts of Equity to challenge de jure governments’ police power;

  6. Training and deployment of at least 150,000 Peacekeepers to protect and safeguard Indigenous Communities under private and public international law;

  7. Constructing Indigenous Communities’ houses, hospitals, schools, banks, and other infrastructure;

  8. Emphasizing knowledge of socioeconomic and geopolitical issues;

  9. Developing a working knowledge of law, justice and jurisprudence;

To be conscious of and be concerned about fake news, distractions and propaganda that is dividing global Indigenous Communities. Our traditions, customs and mores (CULTURE) is not for bargain, barter or sale. United and unified we survive and conquer; disorganized and disunited we continue to fail and fall.


Please contact the Leaders & Elders of TheCost, Carranya, Kabi, Papua Libertatum Veritas Ziklag and the Ancient Kingdoms of South Africa who have joined G.U.N.. Your admission is crucial and vital in uniting our Indigenous Communities necessary to enforce de facto initiatives.

Unámonos juntos

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