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Lackadaisical leadership

When voting is glorified as a panacea, people become lackadaisical in preserving their rights.

James Bovard, American author

An uncomfortable paradox standing ready for evisceration and analysis is the leadership qualities of the voters. Most assuredly, herd mentality outshines, overcomes and out-performs critical thinking.

Tribalism is the norm. Every aspirant to a political career joins a political party that appeals to his or her mindset. The butterfly syndrome and frog attributes play important roles as the puppet-master decides candidature.

Lackadaisical leadership is fed and fuelled by an omnipotent and omniscient ruling class of elites who often stay in the shadows. These elites pull the strings. The anointed and appointed puppets simply echo their masters’ wills.

Malaysia meanwhile continues to offer rare opportunities for lackadaisical leadership to be elected, and/or anointed and appointed. This, in of itself, is a recurrent state-of-the-art embarrassment. Read: recycling.

The retiring age for employed government officials in Malaysia is 65 years. Politicians remain running way beyond 70 years of recorded age as a testimony to encouraging lackadaisical leadership, elder abuse, and government decline.

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things,” echoed US President Ronald Reagan. Who takes credit for this gem — Reagan or his speechwriter?

Leadership in Malaysia is about seeking power, not empowering others who deserve to be praised and raised into leadership roles. Theunmatched, unbeatable and unstoppable villain is sustainable corruption. Band-aid treatment isinevitably reported during a serious bleed.

Real leadership will levy radical and draconian punishments for corruption. Lackadaisical leadership renders a slap on the wrists instead of slapping handcuffs on them. Law enforcement must learn to welcome total overhaul in its policies, programs, procedures and practices.

Constitutions, laws, treaties, rules, orders, declarations, proclamations and regulations are usually aimed at showcasing a civilised way of life where everyone is treated fairly and equally. The Dark Ages is duplicated when government is the principal actor.

Many comments on MA63, and the faithful and watchful IGCR, are mainly focussed on what the problems are instead of leaving no stone unturned in strictly enforcing this internationally-acclaimed treaty.

Sabah and Sarawak must do more to exhibit uninterrupted political stability and maturity despite the ravages of race, religion and region. The Borneo States must exercise their inherent rights to their natural resources that boost their combined potential wealth and political health far beyond contrived and biased constitutional restraints.

The tautology between the word “territories” and “States” in Article 2 Federal Constitution (Admission of new territories into the Federation) is enlightening. The constitutional amendments after MA63, and the IGCR, characterise a continuing cacophony of controlled chaos, conflict,and controversy.

“Equal partners, surreptitiously became “States” of a Federation, with Malaya and…

The views expressed here are those of the columnist and do not necessarily represent the views of New Sarawak Tribune.


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